kids. kids. kids. How many do you want?
I want two but if my future husband wants seven then I can negotiate and settle on three Welcome Back! or if this is your first time, then Welcome! The topic of children has come up quite a few time this week, so let's talk about it. Does having kids matter? I think having children is an important thing. There is something about giving a life and having them transform into the person they are destined to be that makes me want kids. I would love to be a mother and care for my children. I feel like I've always had those maternal instincts, don't believe me? Ask my brothers. Furthermore, in The Family: A Proclamation to the World it states "We declare that God’s commandment for His children to multiply and replenish the earth remains in force." I know I have a role in this world to help those souls gain a body. But I also understand those who do not want to bring children into this world. I know that there are those who do not want to bring up children in ce...