
Showing posts from April, 2017

kids. kids. kids. How many do you want?

I want two but if my future husband wants seven then I can negotiate and settle on three Welcome Back! or if this is your first time, then Welcome! The topic of children has come up quite a few time this week, so let's talk about it. Does having kids matter? I think having children is an important thing. There is something about giving a life and having them transform into the person they are destined to be that makes me want kids. I would love to be a mother and care for my children. I feel like I've always had those maternal instincts, don't believe me? Ask my brothers. Furthermore, in The Family: A Proclamation to the World it states "We declare that God’s commandment for His children to multiply and replenish the earth remains in force." I know I have a role in this world to help those souls gain a body. But I also understand those who do not want to bring children into this world. I know that there are those who do not want to bring up children in ce

Aloha! Welcome

Cerebrum. It means brain. Welcome. I'm not sure how you got here but I hope you enjoy.  I'm Alex. Full name Alexandra. Kinda wish I went by the nickname Al. 19. Clueless.  Still single. Slowly realizing that my body is that of an 80 year old. Changing my major left and right. Currently worrying if I am choosing the right career path.  I'm from the wonderful state of Texas. If you're from Texas then I assume you also have Texas pride. I also assume if you are from Texas that you are one tough cookie, why? Because you are somewhat able to withstand that burn you get when you accidentally touch the hot metal clip from a seat belt. I'm also a hopeless romantic. like no joke. From the lack of love I've had in my 19 years of life, I'm still obsessed with it. Cheesy rom-com's get me every time. not so much the Notebook or the Titanic but put on 10 Things I Hate About You and you'll have me bawling as Kat reads her poem about how she doesn't a