Aloha! Welcome

Cerebrum. It means brain.

I'm not sure how you got here but I hope you enjoy. 

I'm Alex. Full name Alexandra. Kinda wish I went by the nickname Al. 19. Clueless.
 Still single. Slowly realizing that my body is that of an 80 year old. Changing my major left and right. Currently worrying if I am choosing the right career path.  I'm from the wonderful state of Texas. If you're from Texas then I assume you also have Texas pride. I also assume if you are from Texas that you are one tough cookie, why? Because you are somewhat able to withstand that burn you get when you accidentally touch the hot metal clip from a seat belt. I'm also a hopeless romantic. like no joke. From the lack of love I've had in my 19 years of life, I'm still obsessed with it. Cheesy rom-com's get me every time. not so much the Notebook or the Titanic but put on 10 Things I Hate About You and you'll have me bawling as Kat reads her poem about how she doesn't actually hate Patrick AT ALL.

(p.s. this is me)

I am by no means a blogger. or am i..? What really defines a person as a blogger? If you know, hit me up and let me into your thoughts. 
Okay now back to what I wanted to say. I started this blog for my Family Relations class here at BYU - Idaho. A part of me always wanted to start a blog but I had no motivation to do it. I would be lying if I said that I don't have this small hope that i'll be good at this and someone will recognize it and i'll make a bajillion bucks just by writing whatever comes out of my head. BUT until then i'll be writing to get the credit I need for my class. 

(edit 9/14/17: this part was for a class during spring 2017)
A couple of DISCLAIMERS: My class is about families, the structure of it and many aspects that deal with families. That being said, I come from what I call a dysfunctional family. I am the product of a divorce. Divorce is all I have ever known. Two biological parents in love is a foreign concept to me. I say this to let you know that my source of knowledge is from my own experiences. Throughout my blog (if it is applicable to the subject) i'll talk about what I thought and how I felt about the divorce, how my parents have handled it and why I am the way I am. Yes, both my parents are aware that I am going to be talking about them. Yes, they both have given me the green light to go ahead with it. The past is the past, but I still have my own problems with it. Don't judge my parents too harshly, there is always two sides of the story (or in this case three) and this one is MY side. 

If you didn't enjoy this. Sorry. But not really. thanks for staying till the end. 
you're a rock star.


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